Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A New Book on Aging - How We Age by Dr. Marc Agronin

My Design Agency recently assisted Dr. Marc Agronin in launching his new website: Dr. Marc Agronin, is a leading Geriatric Psychiatrist in the United States and his new book is on Aging is: How We Age: A Doctor's Journey Into the Heart of Growing Old. Dr. Agronin is a graduate of Harvard University and Yale Medical School and is Director of Mental Health and Clinical Research at one of Florida's largest nursing homes.

If you are a caregiver or have parents, grandparents or loved ones, this is an excellent book. In most families, each family member may believe they know what is best for their loved ones. If there is Alzheimers or Dementia involved, it is nearly impossible for each family member to be objective. Dr. Agronin's book provides some professional insight into what it may feel like as we or are loved ones grow older. As we struggle with issues such as keeping our loved ones safe vs. quality of their life that they rightfully deserve - it is nice to hear reflections from one of the leading Geriatric Psychiatrists.

How We Age by Marc Agronin, MD

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